— activity & upcoming events.

 — current: learning from the dharma-gate of shugen (shūgen hōmon).

📄 Please contact me for further details. 

 — current translation projects:
Shūgen Senpō Working Group.

Horagai Ryūra-Sahō & Mountain Entry Procedures.

• Learning from An Account of Shugen in Thirty-Three Sections.

• Learning from the Collection on the Essential Practices of Shugen.

• Stone Faith in Shugen
• A Commentary on the Ritual Procedures for the Eighteen Methods.
• A Commentary on the Daily Mindful-Recitation Dedicated to Acalanatha Vidyaraja.

• A Commentary on the Ritual Procedures for the Roaring-Homa Method.

A Commentary on the Ritual Procedures for Establishing the Order of the Day.
A Commentary on the Homa Dedicated to Acalanatha Vidyaraja
• A Commentary on the Divine Method of the Fundamental Pillars 
 In Search of the Origin of Esoteric Buddhism by Bonshin

 — current | services:

Services conducted regularly in line with the ritual cycles and connection-days (縁日; ennichi) of the head temple.
Contact for further information.

— past events:

03/24—07/24 | Haguro / Dewasanzan Retreat - Kannonji Mountain-Entry - Spring Retreat - Abhiṣeka of Karmic Affinity - Nanzenbō Training

• 25.08.23 | Shugen Seminar Part 2

• 22.07.23 | Shugen Seminar Part 1
05.23 |  [book release] Shugendo w/ Dr. Gaynor Sekimori.
05.23 | Mountain Entry and the Abhiṣeka of Karmic-Affinity with Dai-Ajari Mitsunaga Kakudo

• 05.08.23 | (Mon) 14:00 Free Zoom Lecture - Yamabushi Q&A with Rev. Riten Tanaka. Zoom Link

• 01/23 — 03/23 | Winter Training.

• 03/23—05/23 | Katsuragi, Minō, Ikoma.
• 2022: Fundraiser

• 12.05.22 | Reflections on a Past Pilgrimage

• 01.22 | Provincial Developments in the History of Shugen Part 1: Dewa.

• 06.2021 | Sangha QLD: Interventions into the Prison system Zoom Session.

• 13.04.2021 | Zoom Lecture: Shugendo and the politics of Indigeneity in Aoteroa

• 04.2020 | Online Zoom Lectures from Kannon-ji.

• 02.2020 | JP Society Online discussion ft. Rev. Shionuma Ryojun: Overcoming Mountains.

• 06.2019 | QSA Chaplaincy Convocation.

Mt. Koshikidake Mountain Entry & Valley Entry: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023

• 2019 | Mt. Omine: Yoshino - Sanjogatake - Tenkawa - Dorogawa - Jinsen - Hongu - Shingu - Nachi Pilgrimage.

• 2017 | Haguro / Akita Yamabushi Kagura / Mt Chokai Pilgrimage
2016 | Shonai and Dewa Mandala: Koshikidake, Komatsuzawa, Nakazawa & Dewa Sanzan

• 2015 | Cultural Revival with Rev. Kokai Shimazu (Haguro Kotakuji Shozenin) and Rev. Komei Sato (Yudono Churenji).

• 2014 | Japan Shugendo Cultural Studies Association gathering: Tamukeyama Hachiman-gu Shrine, Nara.

— blog/announcements: