Articles, lectures and publications from Contact for further info.

 What is Shugendo? Introductions by Practitioners

A Foundation in Buddhadharma Part 1 [translation].

Introducing the Dharma-Gate of Shugen
— Abandoning the Body; Aspiring to Bodhi: A reflection on the gates of bodhicitta in Shugen
Shugendo: The Ineffable Wakefulness of Nature [book]
— Notes on the Harima (Tsuruoka, Haguro) Saito Family Documents.

A Commentary on the Ritual Manner of Establishing the Day.

— The Record of Traditions Concerning En no Gyoja at Mount Minoh [translation]

— The Wondrous Dharma of the Ten Realms, Five Stages, Three Barriers and Three Crossings.
— The Nonduality of Principle and Wisdom [translation]

— An Annotated Translation of the Regulations for Entering the Peak (buchushohattoji)

— A Commentary on the Two Characters of Yamabushi [translation]
— The Record of Traditions Concerning En no Gyoja at Mount Minoh [translation]

— Doctrines of Dewa-Shugen [translation]
Other Recommended Reading

— Notes on the gohei kirikata daiji

— Ryugibun: The Verse Clarifying the Meaning of Mahayana [translation]

— The Verse on the Dedication of Merit [based on] the Gate of the Seed Syllable, A [translation]

— Record of the Oral Teachings of Shunken [translation]

— A Commentary on the Two Characters of Shugen [translation]

— A Reflection on Mountain-Asceticism by Okamoto Kodo [translation]
— A Commentary on the Jewelled Carriage [translation]

— A Commentary on the Raging Sanpo Daikojin [translation]

— Learning from the Essential Scriptures of Shugendo [translation]

— On the True Ground of Acalanatha's Manifestation [translation]
Life, Death & Suicide: Learning from Shugendo [translation]
Gassho & Bodhicitta [translation]

— Aspects of Change in the Reality of the Restoration of Shugendo Akinori Amada [translation]
— Presentation: 
Festivals, the calming of souls and performing arts in the Tohoku region [translation]

— The Verse of Revealing Transgressions and Confession [written out of] Mitsugonin Temple (AKA Kakuban's Confession).

— Tracing the practices of Dewa-Shugen: 'Two breaths' and the single-offering method.

The Dignified and Quiet Heart: The great spirit of the Mahayana and Shugendo [translation]
The Emergence of Esoteric-Buddhism and Mountain-Valley Asceticism [translation]

— Presentation: The Cosmopolitan Historical Background of Shugendo
The Great Virtue and Perfect Freedom Dhāraṇī Sūtra of Mahākāla-Deva Bodhisattva
Truth through Repetition

— The Essence of Mahayana: An Introduction to Essence, Form and Function.
— Thoughts on Exorcism.
— The Arrangement of the Three Generative Forces of Ten-Chi-Jin.

— Suggestions on Conduct in Becoming a Good Student: A Warning to Potential Practitioners.

— The Three Barriers and Three Crossings

— Sūtra on the Dhāraṇī of the Great Wrathful Āryācalanātha

— The Spiritual Universe of Shugendo: Mandala-thought of Dewa-Sanzan [translation]

— The Wisdom of Practice: An Interview with Rev. Yanagisawa Shingo. [translation]
— Glimpses into the turbulent era of shinbūtsu-būnri: The Twelve Questions.
— Glimpses into the turbulent era of shinbūtsu-būnri: Mt Yudono
— Glimpses into the turbulent era of shinbūtsu-būnri: Mt. Haguro
— Glimpses into the turbulent era of shinbūtsu-būnri: Mt. Chokai
— The Five Stages and the Five Element Stupa: A Reflection on Embryological Discourse in Shugendo.

— The Breakdown and Loss of Sīmābandha [translation]
— Yudono Pilgrimage and the Mandala of Sound [translation]
Spirited Away and Shugendo by Akira Masaki [translation]
— A Way of Life Called Shugendo [series - translation]
— A Compendium on Shugen [translation]
— The Inner Meaning of Genriki [translation]

— Record on the Great Turmoil of Sanpo Daikojin [translation]
— Being a Yamabushi by Professor Gaynor Sekimori

The Dancing Gods of Mt Chokai by Professor Gaynor Sekimori

— Notes on the ryūra ongen-shū [translation]

— History of the Okūgake  [translation]
— Commentary on the Arya-Acalanātha Sūtra [translation]
— Sūtra of the Raging Deity [translation]
— Haguro Shugen Gonyo Shiki [translation]
— Hokke Senbo (Haguro) [translation]

— The Great Self of No-Self
— Mandala of the mountain: Shugendo's jūkkai mandara
Shugen-senpō: Esoteric-Buddhist astrology. 

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] En no Gyoja and Shobo Rigen Daishi

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Nojo Taishi

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Post-Shobo Shugen

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Doctrinal Foundations

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Shugen's Theory of Peace and Stability in the Mind

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Shugendo's Theory of Buddhahood

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Moral Discipline and Precepts

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Shinto and the Two Mandalas

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Sūtras, Sāstras and Practice

— [The Development of Shugen's Doctrine] Dewa Shugen

— The Private Record on Tokogatame 

— Mt. Koshikidake's nyūbū (Mountain Ascetic Training)

— Kojin and Zaō [translation]
— Shugendo by Rev. Toyooki Mitsui [translation]

— Mt. Haguro's Akinomine (Autumn Peak Training)

— Miraculous tales of En no Gyoja

— The Underworld and Shugenja by Rev. Okamoto Kodo [translation]

— Entering the Shugen Gate: Initiation and Ordination in Koshikidake Shugen

— Learning from Shugendo by Rev. Miyagi Tainen [translation of lecture]

— Sennichi Kaihōgyō and Shugendō
— Lessons from the thirty three sections

— The Five Stages in the Mountain-Womb  [translation]

— The Inner World of Adhiṣṭhāna-based Ritual-Prayer (kajikitō) [translation]

— Life and Death: Learning from Shugendō [Suicide Prevention Society Lecture]  [translation]

— JAXA Lecture: Astronauts and Yamabushi  [translation]

— The Private Record of Hashiramoto-Shinpo
— An Account of the 2014 Mountain-Entry of Koshikidake Shugen
— Notes on the 'Mirror of the Heart of Shugen'
— The Gate to the Celestial World
— Hymn to En no Gyoja [translation]
— Hymn to Zao-Gongen [translation]

— Hymn to Shoken Daibosatsu [translation]
— Mindful Verse of Recitation on the Merit of the Great Manifestation Izuna [translation]
— Secret Key to the Avalokiteśvara Sūtra [translation]
— Shugendō and Daoist Thought [translation]
— Nine Verses of the Shakujo
— Saint of the Moon Disk: Kakuban

— History and the Heart of Shugendō Lecture  [translation]

— Mountain Logic and Urban Logic  [translation]

— Dialogue: Noh and Shugendō  [translation]

— An Interview with Daisaburo Sakamoto [Translation]

— An Interview with Onoseki Ryuuka [Translation]

— Separation of Gods and Buddhas at Dewa Sanzan by Isao Watanabe  [translation]

— The Ancient Shugendo of Dewa: Rites of Death and Rebirth  [translation]

— A Short History of Nikko-Shugen  [translation]

— A Survey of Waterfall Practice Styles at Haguro's Aki-no-mine  [translation]

— Waterfall Training and Physiology  [translation]

— An Interview with Nakata Junei of Daigo-ji Sanboin [Translation]

— The Way of the Ascetic's Self-Exorcism by Tarobo  [translation]

— The Road to Koshikidake Shugen's Revival  [translation]

— Concerns about Dewa-Sanzan from the Yamabushi of Kotakuji-Shozen-in [translation]

— Shinto and Buddhism: The Story of Izuna Daimyōjin  [translation]

— The Mystery of Words  [translation]

— A Tengu Sūtra  [translation]

— Esoteric Buddhism: The Road to Practice and Joy in Faith 

— True Recollections of the Horagai   [translation]

— Mt. Omine's Okugake Shugyō (Okugake Trail Asceticism)  [translation]
— Oral Teachings on the Daily Service of Kannonji

— The Cosmology of Esoteric-Buddhism
— Rare Shugen documents discovered at Sakuramotobō  

— Shugendō Past and Present: Restoration of Shugen Sects 

— Religions in Japan: Many or None? (Dharma World 2016)
— Strong Like a Mountain: A Brief History of Shugendō at Mt. Koshikidake

— Takigyō, Water Ascetic Practices and The 'Ice Man', Wim Hof
— The World of Omine Shugen: Practices of Immediacy  [translation]

— The Three Mountains of Dewa and The Spirit of Yamagata
—  Haguro Shugen: Rebirth through Nature 

— The Sublime Gate of Haguro Shugendō  [translation]

— Notes on the Shozan-Engi (History of Sacred Mountains)

— Where are the Kami? 
— Lion's Roar: The Horagai (Dharma-Conch Trumpet) in Shugendō 
— [Guest Article] Oh my Bento! 
— [Guest Article] Miyoshi's View
— O-take Dainichi-Nyorai: A Servant Maid Becomes an Unlikely Shugendo Icon
— Kōjin and Doji Practices of Kannonji

— Kukai's Dream and the Shugen of Omine  [translation]
— Yama no Kami Mythology at Koshikidake
— A Brief Overview of Ascetic Practices in the Mountains & the Ten Realms Mandala
— The Legend of Shippen-Shōnin
—The Law of Perseverance: An Interview with Mitsunaga Kakudo Dai-Ajari [translation]

— Initiation and the Ascetic Self Identity 

— Two Weeks at West End's House of Freedom

— Contemporary Social-Ecology and Shugendō
— Tengu: Amplifying our Conceit
— Yamabushi and Tengu by Riten Tanaka  [translation]

— The Nine-Syllables and Ten Cuts (kūji-jūji)

— Panel Discussion on World Heritage in the Kii Peninsula
— Grief as Deep Activism
— The Three Layers of Shintō
— Daranisuke - Household Medicine with Shugendo Roots
— In Memory of Deborah Bird Rose
— Shugendo at Mt. Tateyama
— An Example of Ritual Memoranda (kirigami) in Shugendo

— Turning Towards the State of the World: Grief and Praise for the Yama-no-Kami

— Shugendo at Mt. Fuji
— Fuji-ko and the Hotsuma-Tsutae 

— Post-ordination Rites of Kannon-ji
— The Meaning of Yamabushi

— Foundations of Sutra Recitation

— The Spirit of the Dewa Basin
— Jinpen Daibosatsu: Myths and Legends
— Don't Forget those on the Inside: Prison Work, Abolition and Justice
— Esoteric Astrology and Shugendō
— Remember the Myall Creek Massacre

— The New Age Power-Spot Movement and the Academic Gaze: The Impact on Shugendō

— Keep the Fire Burning: Remembering Dundalli

— Shugendo at Mt. Omine: From Shingu-Nachi to Yoshino

— The Wild Deity of the Three Treasures

— Dimming the Light: Being and Deity in Shugen Cosmology

— Notes on Shugendō Outside of its Cultural Context: Contemporary Issues and the Exploitation of Esoteric Sects 

— The Meaning of Shugyo

— Shugendō Lore and Founding Myths (Engi)
— Yatagarasu in the Shugendō of Yamagata and Wakayama

— Tending to the Dead and Feeding Hungry Ghosts

— Shugendō at Dewa Sanzan and a Visit to Mt. Yudono's 'Wizard Swamp'

— The Stages of the Bodhisattva Path and the Ten Vows of Fugen-Bosatsu

— 2014 Japan Shugendō Cultural Association Conference

— Biwa by the Falls: Shugendō at Mt.Takao and the Yakuōin Temple Complex

— The Skeleton and the Bell

— A Brief Biography of the Yamabushi Restorer Shobo (Rigen Daishi).

— Dancing the Gods

— The Dharma-Stream of Kannonji: Exoteric, Esoteric, Precepts and Shugen.

— Fundamental Post-Ordination Sadhana of Kannonji: Commentaries and translations of practice manuals (shidai).

— library, articles and recommended reading